
   Plastic compass in wooden box
   Special plastic compass
   Self-adjusting magnetic compas
   Brass compass w/ aluminum seat
   Brass compass w/ wooden case
   Brass compass with wooden box
   Plastic compass w/ wooden box
   Normal light series
   Colorful light series
   New colorful light series
   Super light series
   Fish float mark light
   Flush Mount CeilingLightSeries
   Ceiling Light Series
   Ball Steep Light Series
   Panel Light Series
   Down Lamp Series
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  Published:2008-12-12 Views:5056 Fonts Size:Big Middle Small  

company enlarge production dimension

Our company enlarge production dimension in order to adapting large demension demand of international marine compass market, now workshop more than 5000 square meter, in high and new technology explornation area of shanwei city twenty thousand square meters workshop are building like a raging fire.www.1357900.com

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  Add:No.18,of 11th laneXin Cheng Road,Shanwei city, Guangdong,China         PostCode:516600
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